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Monday, 30 December 2013

cuxtomized diet fat loss

It seems redundant to list low calorie foods that you should not eat . Indeed, research indicates that this is how much you eat , rather than what you eat , the cuxtomized fat loss that is the culprit . But once again , that the consumption of French fries cause as 3.4lb weight in four years may stop you from eating them. Potato chips , sugar drinks , red / processed meat , potatoes , desserts, refined grains, fried foods , 100 % fruit juice and butter all the list of suspects . People in their caloric intake of these foods , because they are less satisfying when consumed .
Counter intuitively , the study says that dairy products ( low-fat or regular ) has a neutral effect on body weight and that people who ate more yogurt and nuts had the greatest weight loss over four years . Conclusion: substitute a more satisfactory calories, even in large quantities, reducing the intake of other high- calorie foods .

The second result concerns the study of the B M I index. B M I calculations are based solely on height and weight and obesity risk may mislead doctors . At this time, health , fat reduction is more important than weight loss.

The conclusion was that the change in the 50 - 100 calories per day will lead to weight gains over time that modest changes in lifestyle can change .Read for more information:


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